
Ready... Set... Go!

Achieving what you aspire for most begins with a simple decision followed by commitment. Put yourself in drive. Ready... Set... Go!
Copyright 2012SimplyDriven All rights reserved.


I Believe

Thinking SimplyDriven

BIG dreams, BIG goals, and HUGE aspirations despite their size are often not realized. Why? Sometimes we're missing key elements that would make it easier to achieve what we aspire: training, education, and the right connections. However, more often than not, sheer belief in one’s self is what’s really missing.
You can have the best ideas, the biggest dreams, and defined goals, but if you don’t wholeheartedly believe in your ability to turn them into reality you’ll have a hard time fulfilling them. A lack of belief can show up in a number of ways but most commonly in self-speak:
·         “Why me? Why would anyone believe in me?"
·         “Will this really work?”
·         “Am I just a day dreamer?”
·         “This isn’t really going to work.”
The challenge with this type of self-speak is that it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. You will go out into the world with your game face on to pitch your BIG idea, but your own lack of belief will transfer to others and your idea will fall flat.  Or worse, someone will see the opportunity in your idea and you’ll talk them out of it because you lack belief in your own ability to deliver.
Get out of your own way and stop blocking the amazing moments you're destined for! On the other side of doubt is the life you’re meant to have!  Get out of your head, let go and whole heartedly believe that the life you dream of is meant for you!
Next time you are ready to take on your BIG idea look in the mirror and say
·         “Success is a decision. I’m a decision maker. My decision is to be successful. Success is mine!”
·         “Those who dream while awake create realities that many can only dream of.”
·         “I‘m the best person to share my big idea with the right person because there’s no one better suited for this task than me!”
I believe in you! If you find that you’re in need of a little extra belief, you can borrow mine and you don’t even have to give it back! ~ Jazmine R. Henderson
Design by Edited by Tovi Scruggs, SimplyDriven Editor. www.asaedservices.com
Design by SudhaMusrif.com Copyright 2012 SimplyDriven All rights reserved


Standby Mode

Do you power off your internal machine or do you just put it in Standby Mode? Personally, I’m never really “off” but rather in Standby Mode.

In a blink of an eye a hand shake can be extended, a string of words exchanged and you’re back in “on” position again. You never know when an opportunity will present itself.
Copyright 2011 SimplyDriven All rights reserved.


Behind the Wheel

The life you're living is the one you've created. If it's not moving in the direction you'd like change directions! After all you are the person behind the wheel. You are SimplyDriven!
Copyright 2011 SimplyDriven All rights reserved.


Beyond Your Reach

When you conclude that something truly is out of your reach it doesn't mean you stop reaching but rather reach for something else that's also in alignment of your goals. You might find what you once reached for becomes closer. Copyright 2011 SimplyDriven All rights reserved.


Life's a Box of Chocolates

Remember when you purchased a box of assorted chocolates from let's say See's candy (maybe you were a teenager) and you bit into every piece to see if you liked it or not? You likely found that some you liked and others you didn't, right?

Well life is a lot like a box of chocolates; you never know what you're gonna get. You likely know that you can go to See's and get a box just like that filled with the chocolates you like, right?

Well, life is just like that too!

You can plan ahead and make decisions about the life you're going to have by making some careful considerations. I'm not saying don't try new things, please do! I'm just saying you don't have to purchase a whole box of uncertainty.

Copyright 2011 SimplyDriven All rights reserved.


Laser Light Show

Associating with others who are laser focused on their success may turn into a laser light show when your associations all come together.

Copyright 2011 SimplyDriven All rights reserved.


"T in Timing is More Important Than the T in Talent"

You can have all the gifts and talents in the world but if your timing is off the very thing you aspire may escape you. Some will only see what they aspire but once in their lives while other may see it twice. Are you certain you want to let your opportunity pass you by in hopes that you'll see it again?

Copyright 2011 SimplyDriven All rights reserved.


“Energy level is at capacity – Now what?”

  1. source of usable power, as oil
  2. the capacity for vigorous activity
  3. the capacity to do work
  4. SimplyDriven™
Energy is an interesting word because of the images the word alone creates. Energy policy is a hot topic in politics and creating a lot of buzz. Americans are in constant search for energy supplements in hopes that they can have more energy.

When you think about high energy people do, you think of Richard Simmons? How about Sir Richard Branson or Bill Gates? Energy is something the three have in common but how they use that energy is very different.

What's your energy level? The definition alone includes a key word: capacity. In our lives we often place limits on both our capacity for what we can take on in our lives and the amount of energy we're willing to output. What if you didn't place those limits on your capacity or the amount of energy you’re willing to output. What if instead you made a decision to make it work? How much could you achieve if you removed limits?

Many of the world's most successful people spend their days working on a number of endeavors.

Let's take Sir Richard Branson as an example. He’s the Chairman of Virgin Group with a astonishing number of companies. He’s known for saying “Screw It, Let’s Do It” and even published a book with that same title. His approach is simple and limitless. At 16 years old in 1966, he started his first endeavor which today has lead him to nearly 200 companies in almost 30 countries. In his writings he talks about the importance of balancing family and work. He says he just changed the way he worked. He also shares that he got really good at delegating and trusting those who he put in place to manage key business areas. This isn’t about how successful Sir Richard Branson is but rather what’s possible if you push what you perceive as your capacity.

Now how about Bill Gates; we’ve known all about his successful journey with Microsoft but did you know that in July 2008, according to an article published by CNN Money featuring Melinda Gates, Bill Gates made a decision to spend more than 40 hours a week on philanthropy, and 15 or so for his duties as chairman of Microsoft? That alone is a 55 hour week. When it comes to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation my guess is that neither of the Gates questioned their capacity or energy to put into bringing innovations in health, development, and learning to the global community. They made a clear decision to put forth the energy and push a little harder for the very things that they believe in.

I am not overlooking the massive resources at both Sir Richard Brandon and Melinda and Bill Gates finger tips, but I am however highlighting that they have a huge vision and don’t let a little thing like energy limit what’s possible.

If you increased your capacity and looked beyond perceived limits, what do you think you could achieve?
Edited by Tovi Scruggs, SimplyDriven Editor. www.asaedservices.com

Copyright 2011 SimplyDriven All rights reserved.

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"Birds of a feather...Driven together!"

Photo: Birds of a Feather by Ross Zietz

Listening to conversations of those SimplyDriven, I believe onlookers are jealous at times, wishing their conversation had the same energy. I believe they are a little embarrassed that they’re even listening to another person’s conversation. My personal favorite is when they come over and say
     “I have to know… What are you talking about? You have great energy!”

Reflecting on the temporary enjoyment found in those moments when two people (who were once strangers) intellectually, subconsciously, then verbally collide with a synergy and their thoughts seem as if they are one, their once well-crafted intellectual conversation turns into half-spoken sentences with each one of them chiming in, finishing not only the other’s sentence but the other’s thought as well. This once mature and sensible conversation now only makes sense to the two of them.
Onlookers ponder…
     What are they talking about?
     They seem to know exactly what the other is thinking.
     That’s weird!
     That’s amazing, how connected they are!
     They must have known each other for years.

Despite how frequently this happens, I continue to be enthralled by the moment itself. It’s the first time every time. It’s not something you search out, but it’s an amazing experience when it happens. It puts a smile on my face, warms my heart and makes my mind run even faster. I go from thinking about what tomorrow holds for me and find myself in a whirlwind of thoughts of all the things we can do together. It’s in those moments that I begin to "Social Broker" for them.

After an encounter like this, the following days are less about my tasks as the Universe sends me the resources that answer the other person’s very need that they shared the prior day. Interestingly enough, they are doing the same on my behalf – it’s an energy exchange that’s part of being SimplyDriven. What follows is an increase in the opportunities for us to forge ahead with our respective endeavors while building a powerful circle of people with an uncanny connection to each other.

Birds of a feather...Driven together!" excerpt from a dialog with Karla Woods-Stephens http://www.bonafideevents.com/ 

Copyright 2011 SimplyDriven All rights reserved.

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Edited by Tovi Scruggs, SimplyDriven Editor. www.asaedservices.com


Your Castle

If you never see a castle how are you supposed to dream of having one? Plant the seeds in the youth today and they'll have a vision of what's possible tomorrow!

Copyright 2011 SimplyDriven All rights reserved.


The Vault

Protect your vision and your thoughts. One person can unknowingly impact your subconscious mind adversely impacting your rise to the top.

Copyright 2011 SimplyDriven All rights reserved.